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Hello IMDC Family!                                                                                                                   Sept 13, 2020

We hope you all had a fantastic summer! We are ALL very excited to welcome our dancers and families back in the studio for our 28th dance year!

At IMDC, the safety and health of all dancers and staff is of the utmost importance. We have put into place extra precautions and protocols to help prevent the spread and to ensure your in-person dance experience is both safe and enjoyable. We want you to feel confident knowing we have put plans in place to keep your dancer healthy and safe while still getting the dance experience they desire. 

There will be more details added to our website as things evolve and change. Here are a few of the procedures and ways we are getting back to dance. We will follow CDC and local guidelines and may incorporate additional safety protocol of our own as deemed necessary.

Social distancing: There will be markers outside and inside the studio for waiting purposes. As their dance space we have taped out 6 foot boxes on both dance room’s floors. Please do not think of this as a confinement but rather as a visual  tool to clearly mark their space for distancing and spatial purposes. They will have the ability to also dance outside of their space following additional markings around the room to continue to maintain their social distancing. For sanitary reasons, dancers will return to their original box once across the floor work is complete. Class sizes are limited and class times have been staggered to also help facilitate distancing.   

Health screening: Before entering the studio, all staff and dancers will participate in health screening. Their temperature will be taken using a touchless forehead / temporal artery thermometer. They will be asked respiratory symptom questions (any coughing, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell) . This will be logged and maintained within the IMDC office. Hand sanitizer will also be administered upon entering. Hand sanitizer stations will be set up in various places throughout the studio for use when needed. 

Lobby: will be closed to parents and siblings therefore we ask all to kindly wait outside or in their vehicles. Restrooms will be reserved for dancers/staff only during the scheduled class times. 

Masks: All staff and dancers must wear a mask while entering, at all times within the studio, and during classes. Please email us if you have any questions.

Disinfecting and cleaning high touched surfaces such as barres, door knobs, bathrooms, etc, will be cleaned in between all classes and a very specific cleaning protocol will occur after each day’s classes. 

The Air Conditioners at IMDC pull 100% fresh air into the building to increase the flow of fresh air.

Please continue to visit our website for updates and additional info regarding arrival and pick up times, what our procedures will be if someone is infected, what we will require from all to ensure everyone’s safety etc. 

We hope what we have and will continue to implement helps to ease your mind. Of course please email us with any questions or concerns.  

Here’s to a healthy start to our 28th dance season! 

Thank you for your support and being a part of our IMDC Family! Please spread the word!

With much gratitude,

Miss Jackie and Tom Swetz 

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